Saturday, October 17, 2009


So, I know I already wrote today, but I wanted to talk about this, and I felt it should be a seperate entry.
Anyway, looking at where I was a month and a half ago, I can tell I'm really improving. It's a great feeling, looking and seeing how far I've come. My writing skills have gone through the roof, and I've become more comfortable than I've ever been.
All that being said, I am nowhere near where I want to be. As much as I've become a better writer, and I've gotten better at speaking, I still make a bunch of mistakes. It's insanely frustrating and exciting all at the same time. I remember towards the beginning of my trip, someone asked me how hard the course work was. As this is my eighth year studying Spanish, the course work wasn't that hard. Writing a paper, or speaking for 10 minutes or doing grammar homework doesn't faze me that much. But, if you look at just living and communicating in a foriegn country as homework (which it kind of is), the course work is exhausting. I get so proud of myself, because I almost always understand people when they talk to me; but when they talk to eachother, I get about a third of it. Ugh. I think when people decide that they want to learn another language, they don't really realize what they're getting themselves into.

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