Tuesday, October 13, 2009

100% Adventure

Last weekend, my group and I went to Monteverde. It's a medium sized settlement up in the mountains that was settled by Quakers. When you are traveling there, you have to go on a lot of mountain roads. You know in those old cartoons when someone would be traveling up a mountain, and they would loop around it on these roads that were just cut into the sides of the mountains. Well, they were roads like that.

When we went to Limon, it seemed like we were doing things the whole trip. That was probably because our hotel was on the beach, so if we didn't have anything else to do, we would go to the beach. This trip was not like that. We really only did anything on Saturday. That being said though, what we did was amazing.

I wouldn't say I'm a thrill seeker, but I'm not that scared of hights, so sometimes I really enjoy things that involve hights, like roller coasters and, as I just discovered, zip lining. It was thrilling. I always thought it would be the most amazing thing to fly. When I was younger, and had a greater interest in Science (sorry dad) I thought that if I ever became an inventor, I would invent wings. Unfortunately, I am no Daedalus, so I had to settle with zip lining, but I can imagine it would be a close second. You are literally souring above tree tops and in between mountains. Thrilling is really the only word you can use.
Now, I don't have a "Bucket List," but if I did, these are things I could cross off:
  • zip lining
  • repeling
  • seeing a spider as big as my hand
  • seeing a moth as big as a small bird
  • going to a Quaker service (it's really something everyone should try)
  • meeting a founder of a town
  • touching a humming bird.

Now, maybe only the first two and the last would actually be on my bucket list, but the others are still cool.

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